My memoirs, “Amazing Grace: Memoirs of a Transformational Journey” are being published later this summer. I think this is the most fun and interesting book I’ve written so far.
On the one hand, it’s an amusing story about the privileged world I was born into, and I gabble on a lot about the Swinging 60’s and what public schools and Oxford were like in those days, and myself as an entitled, eccentric, dandy man about town, an ardent ski racer and girl chaser.
On the other hand, it’s a serious account of what I learned from my close encounters with the paranormal, altered states of consciousness, Spiritual Masters in India, Shamans in South America, and a myriad of different sages, healers, mystics, wizards, analysts and philosophers.
All these things were a part of my journey to becoming a soul-centred psychotherapist, a teacher of spiritual retreats and an activist for a healthier and transformed society.
Visit the page on my website about Amazing Grace…
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