Dear Friend,
You may be interested in enrolling in an online seminar (a webinar) I am giving with three others where we explore four different perceptions of the Coronavirus.
About my segment:
Saturday 18th April / 10:00am – 12:00pm (UCT +1)
Dr Serge Beddington-Behrens:
Surviving and Thriving in the Dark Days of Corona
The whole world changed when the Coronavirus burst onto the stage, and none of us – whoever we are, whatever our incomes and wherever we live – can avoid having some rugs being pulled out from under our feet. Today, the whole human race is collectively entering a Dark Night of the Soul crisis where we each have our own unique challenges to confront.
How are we responding? Is fear or anxiety getting the better of us, or are we choosing to be brave? Are we going to look back to the past – to the comforts of what used to be – or forward to the future?
In this two hour webinar, I will try and help you open your hearts, minds and souls to view this virus not as an enemy but as a friend and ally come not to destroy us, but on the contrary, to help us wake up and radically change the way we see ourselves and the world and in the process, rescue us from our own worst excesses.
Over these two hours, I will help you see that this dark cloud has a very silver lining which, seen for what it truly is, can help liberate you not only from many of your own general fears, but your particular fears around this virus. We will look at this virus’ spiritual, financial and emotional implications and I will be giving you some techniques and exercises not only to help you ride out this storm but to do so in a very positive way.
For further information about the other speakers and tickets, please visit the Facebook Event Page or the Mystics & Scientists Website.
With love,
What Liberates?
The Oxford Dictionary defines liberation as: ‘the act of setting someone free from slavery, imprisonment or oppression’. Liberation, therefore, has both inner and outer dimensions which are intrinsically inter-related because if we are not free inside ourselves, it will inevitably limit our ability to live a liberated outer life, even if the society we live in is a relatively free one. The same can hold true the other way around as well. Many of us, therefore, need liberating not only…