The rollicking adventures of a man born into privilege who chose to leave his old world behind to find a path of soul… Now available at your favorite bookstore!!
This is a book about one man’s struggle to discover his soul in a soulless world in which Serge argues that a new kind of human being needs to emerge if our society is to be healed. This new man or woman will need to be someone who will have ‘worked on themselves’ to have become less materialistic and ego-centred, more planet friendly and, in particular, more concerned about the well-being of their fellow human beings.
Having written two books about how to become such a ‘new person’, Serge has decided to share his own personal journey and his many struggles to try to expand his own humanity. In this very honest and no-holds-barred book we learn that if we choose to undertake such a journey, there is no avoiding a confrontation with all those areas of ourselves which prevent this.
In Serge’s case, this included his need to come face to face with his chauvinism, his ‘little boy’ that refused to grow up, his narcissism, the myth that the ‘right woman’ would save him, and the delusion of being ‘special’! It particularly chronicles his encounters with the many wise people he met along the way who showed him how to let go his of attachments to these false narratives and assisted him in becoming more honest and open-hearted.
Serge’s adventures are very amusing in places, and the author’s hope is that upon discovering the many gifts and blessings that came his way as he aspired to evolve, the reader may feel moved to embark upon similar journeys of self-discovery, vital to our planet’s survival.
Both the e-book and printed copy include 50 photographs from Serge’s life!
Get More Info and Order Your Digital or Print Copy Here!! —> Amazing Grace on O-Books
“In ‘Amazing Grace’ my dear friend Serge has described not only his own transformational journey, but he also speaks for many of his generation who grew up in the ferment of 1960’s hippiedom, looking for new ways of being and living. This is a passionate and engaging narrative by a man of unique style who has lived fully while also often suffering deeply as he struggles to break through to a whole new way of living. Born into a huguely privileged background entailed its own dysfunctions and wounds and these very much shaped the agenda of Serge’s life journey as he felt that many of the values which he had been raised to subscribe to, were the very ones which needed to be surrendered if one was to have a world that worked. A deeply humane and wise book.”
“A marvellously entertaining account of Serge’s adventures through the material and spiritual worlds, filled with equal measures of humour and spiritual insight. Serge writes as if speaking to a close friend, and offers the distilled wisdom of a lifetime of spiritual exploration.”
“Serge Beddington-Behrens is a unique person and friend, whom I met in England in the mid 1970s. We shared much in the area of spiritual search. In Amazing Grace he opens his soul, mind, and heart with honesty in looking-back at his personal development from his British aristocratic upbringing in his childhood to the present mature phase of his life journey. He conveys beautifully the challenges and conflicts of growing-up in this context and his struggles to become his own person with a deep vision, concern, and sense of identification with the perils and opportunities we are all facing on Planet Earth in this crucial phase of our collective evolution.”
“In our present times of obsessive consumerism, billionaires who spend fortunes going into space, media moguls and false information to say nothing of hogging the limelight film stars, it is refreshing to read the memoirs of someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, the son of a Russian princess and a very successful businessman, educated at Harrow and Oxford, but who decided to put all that behind him and seek another way to live. Serge Beddington-Behrens has travelled the path to self-enlightenment through experiences via Carlos Castaneda, Findhorn, fasting, Shamanism, Zen Buddhism and much more. He readily admits that without his financial inheritance it would have been a much more difficult journey, but the importance of this memoir lies in the fact he chose a difficult path to follow in life rather than the one, given his upbringing, which would have been much easier to follow. As he says, we need a new vision of life- one with heart, compassion, and wisdom. Read this book and hopefully you too will start to search for a new vision in your life.” – John Bell M.A.(Oxon.), Educational Consultant
Amazing Grace Readings by Serge
Here Serge offers a few words about as well as several short readings from his latest book, “Amazing Grace.” To view more of his videos, please visit Serge’s Video Page on this website & subscribe to his YouTube Channel.

Interviews on YouTube
Here are some interviews with Serge about his most recent book, “Amazing Grace,” touching on many important dimensions of Serge’s journey.

Other Video, Podcast & Written Interviews
Watch David Lorimer’s Monthly Book Briefing on Vimeo – 26th October 2023
David Lorimer is the Director of the Scientific and Medical Network.
Listen to John Kenny, “The Relationship Guy,” interview Serge
John Kenny is an Award Winning Relationship Coach, coaching people to experience healthy loving relationships. Having spent a life choosing unhealthy relationships and self sabotaging his own success, he now coaches people to live a life they choose.
John’s Website / Podcast / Facebook
Listen to Larry Bloomfield from KXCR Community Radio Interveiw Serge
Larry Bloomfield is the Program Director & Station Manager at KXCR Community Radio Partners.
KXCR fosters community spirit, creativity, freedom of expression.
KXCR is a noncommercial community radio station serving the many interests of people on the Oregon Central Coast, striving to educate, inform and entertain, while reflecting the diversity of our local and world community, to enrich the lives of listeners of all ages with a wide variety of programs, including the arts, music, news, and social issues.
KXCR welcomes community input and involvement. As a volunteer operated radio station, offering training and varied opportunities in radio broadcasting.
KXCR Website / Facebook / Soundcloud Podcast
Listen to Dave the Mystic (Dave Barnett) interview Serge
Dave the Mystic (David Barnett) is an energy medicine practitioner, healer and intuitive with over 40 years’ experience in Colorado. He has multiple technical degrees and is truly a rocket scientist. In the early 1980’s, he had some turning points in his life that led to a passion in discovering and developing his gifts in multiple forms of energy healing. He embarked on a path of training in many modalities and developing conceptual understanding of how the different systems work, complement each other and support spirituality. Dave has gifts in healing, reading the Akashic Records, energy and entity clearing, changing core beliefs, Karma burning, and discerning spiritual gifts. Dave continually seeks out new modalities, learns and experiences them from their practitioners and frequently highlights these on his weekly web radio show. Dave is a strong believer in health issues having many potential causes in different energy planes. Dave works with many spiritual guides and communicates with them freely.
Dave’s Website / WebRadio Show / Facebook Page.
Read the Interview with Esther Hasnoot on the Global Heart Website
From Titled Entitlement to Spiritual Seeker – A Transformational Journey of Self-Discovery
In a world where achievements and external validation often take precedence, Serge Beddington-Behrens gracefully reminds us that the magic of self-discovery awaits. An Interview with Serge about his new book: “Amazing Grace; Memoirs of a Transformational Journey”. ~ Global Heart / Esther Haasnoot ~
Get More Info and Order Your Digital or Print Copy Here!! —> Amazing Grace on O-Books
Essay: Looking to the Future

This essay looks at: a) the state of the world today b) what I see happening on the planet over the next eighty years and c) the new society that I see rising, phoenix like, out of the ashes. It is a hopeful essay but suggests that to get to the light, humanity may need to go through some more dark times… OK, it is time now to look forward and say a few words about what I think might…