“This book cannot be rushed. It is full of little gems and is written from a place of great hope and joy. Our world is changing for the better and the universal heart is awakening among increasing numbers of people. In these uncertain times, we need practical visionaries to show us the way towards a culture of love and of the heart. Serge is one such visionary and his book provides an invaluable road map if we have the courage to follow it.”
– David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network
I invite you to come on a journey with me into one of the most important, yet often most neglected, dimension of ourselves. Our inner heart. I want to help you discover, as I have gradually been discovering over the course of my life, that this part of ourselves not only holds the key to our being able to live a fuller, happier and more authentic existence, but if properly activated, will enable us to play a major role in helping create a happier and healthier world.
Most of all, please know this book has been written from a place of great hope and joy. It is based on the knowledge that our world is changing, that the universal heart awareness is awakening among increasing numbers of people and that the forces of resistance or of heartlessness are being powerfully confronted.
Serge Beddington-Behrens, M. A. (Oxon), Ph.D. is a transpersonal psychotherapist, couples therapist, motivational speaker, coach, business consultant, and teacher of spiritual retreats. His ‘Heart’ courses and retreats are well-known internationally.
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Awakening The Universal Heart – A Guide for Spiritual Activists – Book Launch
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What Liberates?

The Oxford Dictionary defines liberation as: ‘the act of setting someone free from slavery, imprisonment or oppression’. Liberation, therefore, has both inner and outer dimensions which are intrinsically inter-related because if we are not free inside ourselves, it will inevitably limit our ability to live a liberated outer life, even if the society we live in is a relatively free one. The same can hold true the other way around as well. Many of us, therefore, need liberating not only…