Amazing Grace is Now on Bookshelves Everywhere!

My Dear Friends,

I am delighted to announce that my memoirs are now published and you can order them easily on line. If you live in London, John Sandoe books have plenty of copies.

Amazing Grace: Memoirs of a Transformational JourneyI hope you will enjoy the funny stories – especially going back to my early childhood and my Oxford, Bullingdon Club and ski racing days – and also may be interested in my adventures of the time I spent in California and was privileged to meet and study with, some of the wisest people on the planet.

I hope too, that certain areas of this book may inspire you to try as I have tried, to let go the life that your conditioning told you, you ought to lead, and discover the story that your heart informed you, you need to lead.

Whilst there are, of course, episodes of suffering – who of us has had a life totally without pain in some form or another – overall I think my story is a happy, positive and inspiring story and it ends very happily, me living in Mallorca, married to a woman whom I love very much, and continuing to work as much as ever because I get so much happiness out of what I do. I think that if we love our work, that it reciprocates and loves us in return!

Please read my long epilogue at the end as it contains my vision for the future and what I think will happen on our planet by the end of this century. And fearest not, my vision is overall a positive one, even if we may first have to trudge through a few dark forests to get there.

With much love and excitement,



Read more about Amazing Grace right here on Serge’s Website!

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Amazing Grace is available on Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon ES, Barnes & Nobel, Hive, and many other online bookstores.


Introducing Amazing Grace: Memoirs of a Transformational Journey

My memoirs, Amazing Grace: Memoirs of a Transformational Journey” are being published later this summer. I think this is the most fun and interesting book I’ve written so far.

On the one hand, it’s an amusing story about the privileged world I was born into, and I gabble on a lot about the Swinging 60’s and what public schools and Oxford were like in those days, and myself as an entitled, eccentric, dandy man about town, an ardent ski racer and girl chaser.

On the other hand, it’s a serious account of what I learned from my close encounters with the paranormal, altered states of consciousness, Spiritual Masters in India, Shamans in South America, and a myriad of different sages, healers, mystics, wizards, analysts and philosophers.

All these things were a part of my journey to becoming a soul-centred psychotherapist, a teacher of spiritual retreats and an activist for a healthier and transformed society.

Visit the page on my website about Amazing Grace…

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Understanding the Crises of the Heart, Climate Change, Crisis and Transformation

Today I would like to share with you a few excerpts from “Understanding the Crises of the Heart”, chapter 19 of my first book, “Awakening the Universal Heart”, as I find them particularly relevant to our world situation today and in tune with the recommendations that follow.

The Signicance of Crisis

“A time of crisis is also a time of opening up, when thinking that was consigned to the fringes moves to centre stage. When things fall apart, the appetite for new ways of seeing is palpable.”
~ Paul Kingsnorth ~

What many of our crises today are also helping bring home to us is how inextricably interconnected our planet has become…

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Looking to the Future: Breakdown or Breakthrough

“Evolution is life-oriented. It is ‘good’ but not kind. It does not care for the feelings of individuals.”

~ Barbara Marx Hubbard ~

The Big Questions

So what lies ahead for us human beings? Are we well on the way towards extinction – finito – the end of the great experiment of humanity? Or are we going to continue stumbling along – a wounded, bleeding society – going nowhere fast? Conversely, is the crumbling away of our existing world which is certainly happening and is currently being speeded up by this virus, somehow going to lead us to ‘break through’ to something new – to a new, higher-order human being and a hugely improved world which works not just for the few but for the many?

Certainly, human consciousness has been rapidly evolving over the last sixty years where we’ve seen the birth of women’s rights, animal rights and in the 60’s we had the hippy movement followed by the emergence of the Human Potential movement. Today, millions of people all over the world are becoming increasingly interested in evolving their consciousness and in developing their spirituality. Most importantly, we are seeing a powerful shift away from the isolated, highly individuated ego, responsible for so much human suffering, war and patriarchy, with increasing numbers of us realising that the next step of our human evolution is towards thinking and operating much more as a human collective. Today, there are so many important questions which we all need to be asking ourselves. Perhaps one of the most significant is:

Are we as a species capable of extricating ourselves out of this very, very deep hole that we have over the years been digging, and if so, what might be the conditions necessary for this to happen?

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Webinar: How to Speed up our Evolution and Make a Difference in a Corona Infected World

Dear Friend,

You are kindly invited to join my upcoming webinar: “How to Speed up our Evolution and Make a Difference in a Corona Infected World.” In this presentation, I will be looking at the ways we can use the pressures of this current crisis to leverage our personal and collective growth.

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Thinking Positively Towards the Future

Civilisations don’t last forever. Everything comes to an end at some point, and we are all living in an uncertain ‘in-between’ era, where one world is dying and another is doing its best to be born, although one has to admit that there are a hell of a lot of people working hard to try and keep our old unsustainable world alive! I suspect that they’re engaged in a game called Mission Impossible!

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The Challenge of Covid-19

Our planet has certainly had a profound ‘wake up’ call, and in this Newsletter I want to mention a few positive and a few negative consequences of this virus and then put forward a few suggestions of my own.

None of us can deny that all of us – whether rich or poor or whatever race, nationality, culture or sexual proclivity we belong to – are in the middle of a big crisis, which in Chinese is translated as ‘dangerous opportunity’.

Yes, my friend, actually I see huge opportunities lying ahead for us as a species, which I’ll talk about in a minute, but at the same time I cannot deny the fact that I also see danger lurking, for while being subject to big shocks can certainly serve to ‘wake us up’, it also follows that if we lack the capacity to process their effect, they can also be destructive for us.

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To Sri Lanka and Back

Have just returned with Martina after our having spent a delightful fortnight healing and rejuvenating ourselves at an Ayurvedic retreat centre in Sri Lanka. A long journey out and a long one back but boy oh boy was it worth it.
Ayurvedic Retreat Centre in Sri Lanka

I previously knew next to nothing about this beautiful cleansing and rejuvenating system, which in a nutshell revolves around taking certain remedies, having many different kinds of massages with healing oils, and eating a healthy diet tailored to your specific body type.

But as with all healing systems, they are only as good as those who administer them and the people who worked in our retreat centre and who cooked for us and massaged us and looked after us generally, were truly extraordinary human beings. They all operated out of a very kind and gracious open heart and despite – or perhaps more because of – having little money, they were completely unmaterialistic.

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Interpersonal Connections

Here is an email I sent to a very intelligent, eccentric and vulnerable client going through a difficult patch. I think it is something we all need or needed to hear at some point in our lives:

I hear you very strongly my dear friend. In a way your non resonation with the normal world is a sign of you being one of the new kind of people being born today to take our planet into new arenas. I often feel the same kind of non connectedness with conventional people, only I can bullshit by pretending to be one of them so they’ll feel comfortable with me. The difference between us is that I’m a better bullshitter than you.
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