Exploring Sacred Activism – Newsletter & Course Intro

Dear Friend,
Here is what António Guterres, the Secretary General of the U.N., said at a meeting last September:

Our world is blighted by war,
Battered by climate change,
Scarred by hate,
And shamed by poverty, hunger and inequality.

My last newsletter came out just as the war with Ukraine was starting, and now it is nearly a year later and the atrocities continue to reign down on that country. What is it with the evil of this man Putin? What can we do…?

Soulful Activism

Today I am going to talk to you about Activism, about Sacred Activism, about Actively making the world a better place while maintaining Respect for all Life on Earth.

In the light of this great evil in the north and other very unpleasant things going on in our world today, I think that being an Activist for a more just world or for a transformed world is among the most important things that any of us can be doing with our lives at this moment.

I say this because far too many of those people who are supposed to be making a better world for us – namely our politicians, CEOs, generals, holy men, bankers and scientists – are all too often deeply entangled in the very problems they are seeking to solve.

This means that we, as individuals, are challenged to take ever more responsibility for what goes on in the world. Even though we all have busy lives and obligations to our families, if something is really important, we can still find small ways to Actively make a difference, and if millions of us get busy, big things can be achieved!

Yes, my friend, we can be Activist film-makers, poets, artists, scientists, musicians, actors. We can take stands for human rights; we can go on protest marches. We can ‘out’ those who don’t walk their talk. There are thousands of different ways we can express our outrage at the state of our planet, and our desire to create a better world for ourselves. It is all about how open our hearts are to the pain in the world, where our capabilities lie, and what we are willing to commit to.

For me, the Sacred or Soulful Activist is concerned with doing their best to create a world where more people can feel free, a world which works for everyone, a world where the rich don’t get richer and the poor don’t get poorer, where world leaders are no longer hypnotised by the comforts of status, pleasure, wealth and power, and, instead of being primarily concerned with what benefits them and their clan and how they can hang on to power, they begin to work for the good of all.

The Activist is therefore trying to create a world where more integrity reigns, and where the various nations are moved to co-operate together and where we are able to celebrate our many differences and where no one is looked down on because of their sexual proclivities, their skin colour, class or nationality.

Exploring the Path of Sacred Activism
A Thirteen-Session Online Course

Dates to be announced

Having written two books on Sacred Activism, I have designed a three month (one evening a week) training course on this topic.

If you should like to go over a session, or should miss one, recordings will become available to course participants within a day or two after each session.

Have a look at my Eventbrite Profile page for upcoming webinars.

May this year be a prosperous one for all of us. If I have a prayer, it is this:

Let the forces of goodness, love, honesty and kindness have power over those of maliciousness, greed and darkness. May we move into a world where the power of love becomes stronger than the love of power.




Gateways to the Soul - Inner Work for the Outer World by Serge Beddinton-BehrensAwakening the Universal Heart; A Guide for Spiritual Activists


Serge Beddington Behrens
M.A. (Oxon), Ph.D., K.O.M.L.
Soul Guide & Transpersonal Psychotherapist


From Serge’s February 2023 Spiritual Activism Newsletter


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