Beyond War – A Webinar with Serge & Steve Taylor

This coming Tuesday, December the 19th, I will be co-hosting a webinar with my dear friend Steve Taylor, called Beyond War.

At this time of continuing global conflict, we will be discussing warfare from a psychological and spiritual perspective, looking at its causes and how we can transcend it. As usual, we will include a meditation and poem or two.

Serge & Steve Together Again!

We will be calling on all webinar participants webinar to share, hopefully something very interesting will emerge!

Beyond War
A Webinar with Serge & Steve Taylor

Tuesday, 19 December, 2023
19:00 GMT / 20:00 CET

You can sign up to attend on Eventbrite

Amazing Grace is Now on Bookshelves Everywhere!

My Dear Friends,

I am delighted to announce that my memoirs are now published and you can order them easily on line. If you live in London, John Sandoe books have plenty of copies.

Amazing Grace: Memoirs of a Transformational JourneyI hope you will enjoy the funny stories – especially going back to my early childhood and my Oxford, Bullingdon Club and ski racing days – and also may be interested in my adventures of the time I spent in California and was privileged to meet and study with, some of the wisest people on the planet.

I hope too, that certain areas of this book may inspire you to try as I have tried, to let go the life that your conditioning told you, you ought to lead, and discover the story that your heart informed you, you need to lead.

Whilst there are, of course, episodes of suffering – who of us has had a life totally without pain in some form or another – overall I think my story is a happy, positive and inspiring story and it ends very happily, me living in Mallorca, married to a woman whom I love very much, and continuing to work as much as ever because I get so much happiness out of what I do. I think that if we love our work, that it reciprocates and loves us in return!

Please read my long epilogue at the end as it contains my vision for the future and what I think will happen on our planet by the end of this century. And fearest not, my vision is overall a positive one, even if we may first have to trudge through a few dark forests to get there.

With much love and excitement,



Read more about Amazing Grace right here on Serge’s Website!

Enjoy videos of snippets of the book read by Serge, watch and listen to interviews with Serge, read the book’s endorsements and visit the O-Books Website where you can read more reviews and order your copy today!
Amazing Grace is available on Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon ES, Barnes & Nobel, Hive, and many other online bookstores.


The Resacralisation of the Planet

“The Resacralisation of the Planet” is a video lecture that I made for the 2016 Feeding The Soul World Summit. It addresses the price we pay for the secularisation of our society and how we can again bring sacred meaning back into the world; exploring the current world situation according to the three states of being in Satish Kumar’s book The Spiritual Compass.

The Rescralisation of the Planet

Trump, Clinton & the Dark Side of America

When I work with people in therapy I notice that often, just before they are about to make a big breakthrough – a significant leap to another level – they often have to come face to face with some of the worst things about themselves that are standing in the way. If they can confront and, as it were, embrace or integrate their dark side, then they will move to the next level and if not, they won’t. This process, however, is never easy. It is always painful when one has an image about oneself as being a kind, helpful person only to discover one has a shadow side living inside one that is exactly the opposite! Well, the same thing holds true of the evolution of the larger human collective – humanity as a whole also has a dark side – and so does America and I believe that, as a nation, America is poised on the threshold of making such a leap.

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Awakening the Universal Heart – The Book Launch

The second week of September was some crazy London week for me, as I went to two launches for my book, Awakening the Universal Heart, one on the 10th of September and the other the next day.

Awakening the Universal Heart Book Launch - Serge Beddington-Behrens, PhD

On the 10th of September I invited only my oldest friends – those I’ve known since we were kids – and it was fitting that it took place at the wonderfully eccentric flat of Peter Adler, dripping with tribal art and exotic ethnic jewellery and artefacts. About sixty people came. It is special when you have your oldest friends around you – and we’re all getting pretty ancient now – as you can let your hair down. Nothing to prove. They know all your many idiosyncrasies.

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An Interview on Spiritual Activism

Serge Beddington-Behrens Spiritual Activism


Serge, you have just written a book on Spiritual Activism and the emergence of the Global Heart. Let me start by asking you  a few questions. First, what do you mean by the global heart and why is it ‘awakening’ today, and how does it relate to spiritual activism? And secondly, how does spiritual activism differ from other forms of activism?

Good questions. I’ll  try to answer them in order. When I talk about the global or the universal heart, I am referring to the heart of humanity as a whole or the collective human heart which, if our own ‘personal’ hearts are sufficiently open, we can potentially link into or connect with.

We will know when we are connected or when the universal heart has stared awakening inside us, when we start feeling furious about the many huge injustices in the world or when we find ourselves minding what happens to people who live right at the other end of the world from us, or when we suddenly experience a mysterious love for our fellow human beings whom we’ve never met, or feel moved to commit to championing some cause where there is no direct, personal gain to ourselves.

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