Beyond War – A Webinar with Serge & Steve Taylor

This coming Tuesday, December the 19th, I will be co-hosting a webinar with my dear friend Steve Taylor, called Beyond War.

At this time of continuing global conflict, we will be discussing warfare from a psychological and spiritual perspective, looking at its causes and how we can transcend it. As usual, we will include a meditation and poem or two.

Serge & Steve Together Again!

We will be calling on all webinar participants webinar to share, hopefully something very interesting will emerge!

Beyond War
A Webinar with Serge & Steve Taylor

Tuesday, 19 December, 2023
19:00 GMT / 20:00 CET

You can sign up to attend on Eventbrite

The Resacralisation of the Planet

“The Resacralisation of the Planet” is a video lecture that I made for the 2016 Feeding The Soul World Summit. It addresses the price we pay for the secularisation of our society and how we can again bring sacred meaning back into the world; exploring the current world situation according to the three states of being in Satish Kumar’s book The Spiritual Compass.

The Rescralisation of the Planet