Seeing World Service as a Spiritual Path with
Serge Beddington-Behrens Ph.D.
A weekly online course, consisting of 8 evening sessions, which will focus on finding your unique path of service to improve the quality of life on Earth.
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The Situation
Our planet is becoming an increasingly dangerous place. War, climate change, increasing inequality and the rise of more authoritarian regimes, together with crises occurring in all areas of our lives, continues to create an environment of fear, devastation and insecurity. Many of those who ought to be addressing these issues – namely, our politicians, bankers, corporations, scientists and generals – are unable to do so as all too often they are part of the problems.
We are therefore seeing the urgent need for us individuals to ‘step in’ and take greater charge of our destiny, and that of our children’s children, and commit to bringing about positive changes in those areas that we each individually feel we can contribute to.
The aim of this training is designed for those who:
- Are full of good will and yearn to do more, but who are unclear as to what to commit to or how to initiate effective change.
. - Are already fully-fledged activists who wish to bring a deeper sacred ingredient into their work in order to enhance its effectiveness..
The Programme
Module One:
What Exactly Is an Activist and Why Are Activists So Deeply Needed in the World
Here we will define what the Activist is, what they stand for, and what ‘Activist work’ consists of.
Module Two:
Exploring the Many Faces of the Activist
There are many different areas where Activists can operate, and a variety of functions that they can fulfil. Here, we will explore these functions together with their various challenges.
Module Three:
How Do We Bring a Recognition of the Sacred into Our Work?
When the activist begins to awaken the soul or sacred dimensions of their nature, we naturally bring a whole new qualitative effectiveness into what we do. Here we will look closely at what we need to do to birth and nurture this awakening.
Module Four:
Why is Inner Work Central to the Effectiveness of the Activist?
To be effective we need to work on becoming more psychologically stable, emotionally mature and spiritually awake, as none of this is a given. Here, we will explore some key processes to assist in this work.
Module Five:
How to Awaken Our Inner Heart
Having an open, kind and loving inner heart is a central part of being able to do effective, soulful work. Here we will explore the psychology of heart awakening.
Module Six:
Facing the Dark Side
The activist will inevitably be called to confront the ‘resistance forces’, the dysfunctional, evil and more Shadowy sides of life, which oppose change, both out in the world and inside ourselves. Here, we will look at the best strategies for working with these forces.
Module Seven:
10 Ways of Living for Effective Activism
Gandhi said that if we wish for change, we need to ‘be the change we wish to see’. Here we will look at ten important areas where we can incorporate these changes in our daily lives.
Module Eight:
Summing Up
We will look at the progress everyone has been making and how we can continue to empower ourselves to achieve success in those arenas of our sacred work which we have committed to.
What are the benefits of attending this program?
- We will realise how important our soul life is and we will be moved to redouble our efforts to deepen it.
. - We will be clearer not only where we feel called to make a difference, but also how best to go about it.
. - We will find ourselves experiencing great feelings of purpose and meaning as instead of being a part of world problems, we learn to become a part of their solution.
. - We will have touched more deeply into both the beauty and tragedy of life, and the realisation that there is nothing that enhances our personal evolution more than seeking to take a stand for a world that works, no matter in how small a way.
Participants will be given exercises to do and a list of recommended books and articles to read.
All classes will be recorded and will only be available to course participants.
A month after the programme is over, we will meet again on two occasions to explore how everyone is progressing. These post-course meetings will be free.
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This video, entitled Fierce Grace is not only relevant to this course but is only 30 or so minutes long and will give you a good sense about me.
Serge Beddington-Behrens M.A. (Oxon.), Ph.D., K.O.M.L. is an Oxford-educated Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Author, Transformational Teacher and Spiritual Activist. For nearly 50 years he has taught seminars, trained people and worked with corporations to activate their deeper potential, as well as having conducted workshops and spiritual retreats all over the world.
There are many interviews and talks he has given, on a variety of different subjects over the years, available as videos and podcasts on his YouTube Channel and his Website.
He has written more than 50 articles published in different journals, and three books on subjects relating to activism and transformation.
His first book on Spiritual Activism, Awakening the Universal Heart: A Guide for Spiritual Activists, was published in 2013, his second book, Gateways to the Soul: Inner Work for the Outer World, was published during the tumultuous summer of 2020 and his third book, Amazing Grace: Memoirs of a Transformational Journey, was released in 2023.
Essay: Looking to the Future
This essay looks at: a) the state of the world today b) what I see happening on the planet over the next eighty years and c) the new society that I see rising, phoenix like, out of the ashes. It is a hopeful essay but suggests that to get to the light, humanity may need to go through some more dark times… OK, it is time now to look forward and say a few words about what I think might…